Help - Information - Website Settings

Internet Settings

Please Read
Below are the settings that works best under. Please consult with your Information Technology (IT) personnel to ensure that your system is setup properly.

Due to the numerous versions of Internet Explorer available to users, the screen shots and instructions below may not accurately depict what you see and the instructions tell you to do.
If you need assistance your IT personnel can direct you through the steps you need to take.

If you need assistance beyond what your IT personnel can provide, please feel free to contact us at our Toll Free Number: 1-888-624-5590 and ask for ' Customer Support'.

Please consult your IT personnel before making changes to the below settings. Your company may have rules and/or regulations on how your settings should be setup. Working with your IT personnel will ensure that your settings are properly setup to meet those rules and/or regulations.

Table Of Contents
  1. Computer
  2. Display Settings
  3. Browser
  4. Browser Settings: Internet Explorer  
    1. Making a Trusted Site
    2. ActiveX Settings
    3. Cookie Settings
    4. Language Settings
    5. Pop-up Settings
  5. Browser Settings: Firefox
    1. Basic Settings
    2. Cookie Settings
    3. Language Settings
    4. Pop-up Settings
  6. Adobe Acrobatic Reader  
    1. Bad Signature Files

Computer top
IBM® Compatible PC or a system running Microsoft® Windows® 98 or above.

Recommended: IBM® Compatible PC Running Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2

If you are unsure about these settings please consult your IT personnel help you determine what system you are operating under and whether your system will work properly with

Display Settings top
Screen Resolution of 800 by 600 pixels and a Color Quality of 16 bit

Recommended: Screen Resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels and a Color Quality of 32 bit

Finding Your Display Settings...

Browser top

- Internet Explorer 6 and above
- Firefox 3 and above

Recommended: Internet Explorer 8; Firefox 3.5.11;

Finding Your Browser Version Information...

Browser Settings: Internet Explorer top
  1. Make a Trusted Site     (Recommended - Usually fixes all issues)
  2. ActiveX Enabled
  3. Cookies Enabled
  4. Internet Explorer Language Set to: English (United States) [en-us]
  5. Pop-up Blocker Allows

For Best Accuracy...
Some changes to settings may prompt you to reboot your system after changing.

Please make sure that you have saved all work before changing any of these settings so that you do not lose any important information.

Please close all other Internet Explorer windows.

After each change made, you will need to close all open Internet Explorer windows for that change to take effect. In some cases it takes up to 10 seconds for some systems to recognize the changes so please wait a little while before re-opening Internet Explorer.

Changing Your Internet Explorer Settings... Trusted Site top
Open Internet Explorer:
Go to Start
Left-click on Run

iexplore in the Open: textbox
Left-click on OK

Open Internet Explorer Tools:
Go to Tools
Left-click on Internet Options...

Security Options:
Go to the Security tab
Left-click on Trusted sites
Left-click on the Sites... button

Type: in the Add this Web site to the zone: textbox

Add our site:
Left-click on the Add button
Make sure that Require server verification... is checked
Left-click on the OK button

Changing Your Internet Explorer Settings... ActiveX top
Open Internet Explorer

Open Internet Explorer Tools:
Go to Tools
Left-click on Internet Options...

Security Options:
Go to the Security tab
Left-click on the Custom Level... button

Make Sure Your Scripting Settings Match These:

Changing Your Internet Explorer Settings... Cookies top
Open Internet Explorer

Open Internet Explorer Tools:
Go to Tools
Left-click on Internet Options...

Privacy Options:
Go to the Privacy tab
Left-click on the Sites... button

Type: in the Address of Web site: textbox

Allow our site:
Left-click on the Allow button
Left-click on the OK button

Changing Your Internet Explorer Settings... Language Settings top
Open Internet Explorer

Open Internet Explorer Tools:
Go to Tools
Left-click on Internet Options...

Open the Language Settings:
Left-click on the Languages... button

Make sure the appropriate language is used:
For the language you wish to use, make sure that it is above all other options by selecting the desired language and using the Move Up button
Left-click the OK button

Changing Your Internet Explorer Settings... Pop-up Blocker top

Browser Settings: Firefox top
  1. Basic Settings
  2. Cookies
  3. Firefox Language Set to: English (United States) [en-us]
  4. Pop-up Blocker Allows

For Best Accuracy...
Some changes to settings may prompt you to reboot your system after changing.

Please make sure that you have saved all work before changing any of these settings so that you do not lose any important information.

Please close all other Firefox windows.

After each change made, you will need to close all open Firefox windows for that change to take effect. In some cases it takes up to 10 seconds for some systems to recognize the changes so please wait a little while before re-opening Firefox.

Changing Your Firefox settings... Basic Settings  top

Open Firefox:
Go to Start
Left-click on Run

firefox in the Open: textbox
Left-click on OK

Open Firefox Tools:
Go to Tools
Left-click on Options...

Web Features:
Click on the Web Features icon
Ensure that Enable JavaScript is checked
All other Web Features settings are at your discretion

Changing Your Firefox Settings... Cookies top

Open Firefox

Open Firefox Tools:
Go to Tools
Left-click on Options...

Privacy Settings:
Click on the Privacy icon
Click on the + icon located next to Cookies to expand this section

Ensure that "Allow sites to set cookies" is checked
Set "Keep Cookies:" to "until they expire"

Changing Your Firefox Settings... Language Settings top
Open Firefox

Open Firefox Tools:
Go to Tools
Left-click on Options...

General Settings:
Click on the General icon
Click on the Languages... button

Make sure the appropriate language is used:
For the language you wish to use, make sure that it is above all other options by selecting the desired language and using the Move Up button
Left-click the OK button

Changing Your Firefox Settings... Pop-up Blocker top

Adobe Acrobatic Reader top

The latest version is always recommended and fixes most issues.


Please note that you MUST have at least version 6.0 in order to generate labels.
Bad Signature Files top

*By clicking this link you will be leaving our site. This site and it's owners cannot be held responsible for anything not related to our site.

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